
Máy Phát Điện Tua Bin Gió Trục Ngang Solarcity 50Kw / 380V

Advantages of SOLARCITY TUA BIN GENERATOR * Only need a small area to build * Cost-effective * Environmental protection.

900.000.000 899.950.000

Thanh toán ngay


*   Wind energy  is  a renewable energy source and will always exist, which will reduce the use of non-renewable sources, but the exploitation of these energy sources will adversely affect generations. tomorrow, while coal and wood are renewable sources of energy

* Global warming is one of the biggest challenges for all humanity. Wind energy is a great alternative to our energy needs, because it is not as polluting as large as fossil fuels.

* It may take a whole lot of land to build a power plant. But with a power plant c g  wind energy ,  you only need a small space to build. After installing the turbines, this area can still be used for farming or other agricultural activities.

* Cost effective. 0KW SOLARCITY WINNING  BIN GENERATOR  The cost of installing a  wind turbine  is lower than that of a coal power plant and there are no costs associated with buying and transporting fuel into wind turbines, such as the coal-powered machine.

– Anemometer: A measure of wind speed and data transmission of wind speed to the controller.
– Blades: Propeller Wind blows through the blades and causes the blades to move and spin.
– Brake: Brake unit (brake). Used to stop the rotor in an emergency situation by electricity, water or motor.
– Controller: Controller. The controller will start the engine at a wind speed of about 8 to 14 mph / 12 km / h to 22 km / h and the engine switch will be about 65 mph / 104 km / h because the This transmitter may heat up.

Technical Parameters   OF 50KW WIND GENERATOR  

– Model: 5000250G

– Rated power: 50 KW

–  Rated output voltage: DC 380V

– Wing diameter: M

– Wing material: Cast aluminum alloy

– Number of wings: 3

– Rated wind speed: 10m / s

– Maximum wind speed: 45m / s

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